Hands Massage Spa

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Sleep Therapy


A massage is not just a luxury. It’s vital in maintaining good health

Our certified massage therapists are trained and accredited in various forms of massage therapy. We are devoted to our clients’ health, helping them improve their physical, mental, and emotional health, enhancing the feeling of their bodies, and promoting their overall wellness.

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How Massage Aids Physical Recovery 

Improves Posture

Our Provo massage therapists can help mitigate this problem when you come to visit. Massage relaxes the body, loosening chronically tight muscles and allowing your spine to settle back into its natural position. Additionally, massage can loosen other joints around your body, allowing for improved flexibility and range of motion. There is no sense of freedom quite like that of escaping back and neck pain.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Studies have shown that regular massage therapy reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure. High blood pressure is associated with serious heart conditions and is a leading factor in mortality in the United States. Problems with your blood pressure are not an issue you want to worry about. Perhaps if you’re looking for a way to improve your health, massage therapy is the perfect place to start.

Treats Stress & Anxiety

Stress and cortisol make you less able to fight off sickness, and they cause a constant feeling of anxiety experienced by some people. Over the long term, this phenomenon can also have effects that correlate with weight gain, hormone problems, and other more severe health complications. Massage therapy has been proven to reduce cortisol levels in the body, thus naturally reducing stress as few other treatments can.

Our team of local experts looks forward to serving you. Schedule a massage appointment and consider making massage with a Provo massage therapist a regular part of your health maintenance plan.